Showing posts with label Permanon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Permanon. Show all posts

Saturday, 5 October 2013

Permanon Platinum vs. Nu Finish Car Polish Part 2


I bought the DIY pack and the number of application:
  • 2.5 times Permanon Platinum, with 20ml one time.
  • 5 times Permanon Diamond, with 20ml one time. This is the maintenance wash and you need to wash like 2 weeks once.
To refill the Permanon Diamond 2in1, you need another RM78 for 100ml. For 52 weeks, you need 21 (exclude the 5 times come from the DIY pack) x 20ml = RM327.6.

Thus total cost: RM138 + RM327.6 = RM465.6 (assuming the 50ml of Platinum can last 1 year).

As a comparision, you can get Nu Finish products from Ace Hardware and the cost:
RM18.90, enough for 32 washes.

RM42.90, waxed 2 times and still have 3/4. I think it can really last for a year. But Nu Finish will damage your application pad, let's assume you wax 2 months once, the total cost will be 6 x RM6 = RM36.

Total cost for Nu Finish products: RM97.8 for 1 year. Compare to Platinum RM465.6.

Winner: Nu Finish.

Permanon Platinum vs. Nu Finish Car Polish

What is Permanon Platinum? Click here to find out.

What is Nu Finish Car Polish? Click here to find out.

Both claim to have superior protection against harmful material and more durable than normal wax. Let's do a comparison between the two.

At first, I prepare the car paint surface:
  1. Wash with Nu Finish Car Wash shampoo.
  2. Clay with 3M clay bar with Permanon Hecta PL as lubricant.

Then apply Nu Finish (NU) on the left and Pernamon Platinum (PP) on the right of the car bonnet.

Application Effort & Time Spent
Permanon Platinum is by far the easiest coat/wax to apply, just spray wait a while and wipe dry with micro fiber cloth. You can apply to paint, plastic and vinyl without issue.

Nu Finish although it claims no rubbing and no buffing formula, you need to clean the dry up white residue, which require quite a bit of effort and it is tiring. On top of that, you need to avoid plastic and vinyl as it will turn white and hard to remove.
It will also damage your application pad (in this case, my Meguiar's pad). I also suspect it will create swirl mark since you need to use force to remove the white residue).

Winner: Permanon Platinum

Visual Effect
Due to the product nature Permanon Platinum will have a better visual effect in term of gloss and smoothness. Once the water dry up, it leave no trace.

Nu Finish on the other hand, the dry up white residue will impact the smoothness when touch, basically you can feel the particular on the paint surface. The gloss is not as good as Permanon Platinum especially under near inspection, Nu Finish "seems" to have some kind of uneven oil stain, but from far its gloss has no different from Permanon Platinum.

Look okay?

Winner: Draw.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Permanon & Honda Jazz Hybrid

PERMANON.USA: Permanon is a brilliant 21st century surface protection that eliminates the need for buffing or polishing. Permanon utilizes waterborne nano-engineered particles of Silicium (14Si) that electrostatically bond to the surface being protected. There is no chemical or mechanical action to damage, or alter, the surface you are protecting. Permanon is designed to protect polyurethane topcoats and other solid surfaces such as glass, FRP, stainless steel, chrome, rubber, finished leather, granite, varnish, enamel, and solid surface products. Permanon protection will outlast any wax or oil based renewable surface protection and comes specially formulated for Aircraft, Yachts, Boats, Cars, Trucks, Interiors, Pool & Spas, and Glass.

Summary of natural protection characteristics of Silicium (14Si):
  • Lotus effect
  • Temperature resistant from -40°C to +300° C
  • Resistant against ultra violet (UV) light exposure
  • Resistant against acids/alkaline of pH 1-12
  • And much more

In Malaysia, you can order online from the following:
The price is more or less the same, sometime they do provide discount and some include postage charge into the product price and some don't. So please do your own "smart-shopping". 

I bought a Permanon Platinum Starter Kit which consists of
  • Permanon Platinum, 50ml.
  • Permanon Diamond 2 in 1, 100ml.
  • Permanon Hecta PL, 100ml.
Yes, it comes in ml and not LITER that you buy in Jusco or Tesco! It is expensive, but is the product really worth the cost you pay? Let's find out.

23-Jan-2013: The sky rained. It gave a very good chance to see Permanon in action. It did exhibit strong water repellence effect.

28-Jan-2013: The car was full of dust mark (dust catch inside water droplet), I forgot to take photo before car wash. The car was waxed by the dealer with cheapo wax before delivery, thus I can't be certain that my application on 22-Jan-2013 was good. So, I followed instruction to perform Step 3, washed the car with Permanon Diamond 2 in 1. It was really shinning right after Step 3.

1-Feb-2013: The car is full of dust mark again! I wondered is it due to the product or the skill I applied or the environment as I work in an industrial estate with metal recycling factory next to my working place?

2-Feb-2013: I "beh-tahan", I did Step 1 and Step 2 again with minor change in the application detail after doing some reading from the Internet.
I used the soft microfiber cloth (instead of the orange color wax type) to "touch" (use very minimal force) the surface after spray the Permanon Platinum and did not rinse the car after that. Along the way, I used the wet (with excess Permanon Platinum) microfiber cloth to wipe (with minimal force) the windows to apply a layer too. I can feel the smoothness of the surface this time.

4-Feb-2013: It rained again.
The windscreen water droplet, exhibit Lotus effect.
When reached home, these are the only left and there is no dust mark on the rear window. Impressive?
The bonnet is still shinning as it is just Permanon-ed.
7-Feb-2013: It is a raining day again! Let's see how Permanon "channel" the water, notice the wafer "free-fall" from top to bottom.


8-Feb-2013: The dirt on the car.

9-Feb-2013: Washed the car with water without any shampoo. The car is 95% clean as some dirt is difficult to remove without shampoo. The smoothness is still there.

Stay tune, will continue to update the effectiveness!!